Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Filtering ListView with Query String

This is something I have needed for a while that I didn't think was possible. I have often needed to filter a list based on an attribute of the currently logged in user. In the past I have create multiple views for each of the possible combinations.

I thought there must be a better way. After filtering a few lists, I noticed the query string was changing and adding the filter values to the query string. I started creating my own query string filters and it worked a treat.

All you need to do is add the following to the query string:

?FilterField1=[FieldInternalName]&FilterValue1=[Filter Value]

You can repeat this for multiple columns by using FilterField2, FilterValue2 etc.

To filter on Person field, use their user name:

eg. FilterValue1=The%20Masked%20SharePointer

To filter on DateTime field, use US format:

eg. FilterValue1=11/20/2008

If you are having trouble working out how to filter a column, do the filter through the SharePoint interface and see how it does it!!

As an added bonus, the field you filter on doesn't even need to be on the current view!!

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